

The HockeyBot package allows a Franka robot to play air hockey. We use a RealSense camera and computer vision to detect where the puck is on the air hockey table. Our TrajCalc node predicts the trajectory of the puck and sends those positions to our SimpleMove API, which tells the Franka to move to meet the puck. All of these tasks are integrated in our Main node, which completes our workflow and allows the robot to play repeatedly.

In this project, my main focus was on robot control and integration. I worked closely with one of my group members, Marno Nel, to set up service calls for moving the Franka to key points as well as overall flow. Additionally, I developed the Main node, which connects all other nodes and was essential to allowing the robot to play. I also created the start-up sequence and included error handling.

HockeyBot Group Members: Ava Zahedi, Marno Nel, Ritika Ghosh, Hanyin Yuan

Overall System Architecture

Start-Up Sequence

Computer Vision

Trajectory Calculations

Hitting the Puck

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